02.05.2016 23:05

Дуэйн Джонсон навестил больного раком поклонника

Фотография: DR

Американский актер и звезда нового фильма про спасателей "Спасатели Малибу" Дуэйн Джонсон сделал перерыв в съемках и встретился со своим 7-летним поклонником на площадке.

На своей странице в Instagram Джонсон рассказал, что мальчик по имени Тэйтер вот уже 4 года борется с раком. Ребенку пришлось перенести несколько операций, химиотерапию, лучевую терапию и трансплантацию стволовых клеток.

Been a long time coming, but I finally met the one and only "Tater". This very special lil' 7yr old boy has been battling cancer for 4yrs now. Multiple surgeries, chemo, radiation treatments and stem cell transplants. You name it, this lil' boy has gone thru it. He's had one request. Meet me. He spent the day with me on our #Baywatch set. Watched me film and in between scenes we'd hang out, have some laughs and have some good talks. One of the good talks we had was about every time he goes into the hospital for treatments he takes two things: his Rock action figure (which I'm holding) and his stuffed animal, appropriately just named "puppy". He even made these shirts for us. "Strong As The Rock" and "Live Like Tater". He told me every time he gets treatments he wants to be strong like me. I told him he's already way stronger I'll ever be. He just giggled not really knowing what I meant. One day he will. Spent all afternoon with Tater and his beautiful family. Lots of tears were shed among us. Joyful tears. Grateful tears. I don't know why things happen the way they do in this life. Gotta have faith that there's a bigger reason or lesson for us. Sometimes I'm not sure. But I can tell you this with all my heart and soul that meeting lil' Tater and all these little kids over the years who for some reason far unbeknownst to me, look at me as their hero - is a thousand times way more important than any movie or any "thing" I could ever do or accomplish in my life. Having this platform to shine a little light on the path that these brave children walk - is by far the best part of fame. LIVE LIKE TATER this lil' 7yr old says. Strong. Loving. Happy. You stay strong big man. Me and puppy always got your back ~ Rock

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